Sunday 20 October 2013

What Is Phishing And How Phishing Works

What Phishing Means

Phishing Means Stealing Personal Data And Use It For Illegal Personal Gain.

How Phishing Is Done

1) E-Mail :

Phisher First Create Fake Webpage Of Bank. Suppose Bank Is XYZ. Then They Forward Mails To Future Victims. In The Mail They Ask To Provide Credit Card Details To Verify And Give Link Of Fake Webpage Created For Phishing. After Victims Enter Details, All This Details Are Passed To Phisher Either Via Mail.

Email Phishing

How To Be Safe

  • No Bank Ask For Personal Details Via Mail So Do Not Respond To Such Mails.
  • Do Not Click On Any Link Given In Mail If Your Not Sure.
  • Choose Best Email Service Providers Like GMail. GMail Have Very Strong Technology For Identifying Mails As SPAM.
  • Even If Your Have Entered Details In Phishing Web Page Do Not Panic Just Call Customer Care Of Bank And Block Your Credit Card Immediately.

2) Web Pages

Most Famous Way Of Phishing. Phisher Create Web Page Same Like Popular Domains But With Small Difference And The Difference Is In Name Of Website. Consider Phisher Will Create Login Page Same Like Facebook Login And Register Domain As Or Now While Typing Facebook 90% Chances Are You Will Type Letter X Or V Instead Of C And Land To Phishing Website. Victim Enters Login Details And Account Is Gone.

Facebook Phishing Scam

How To Be Safe

  • Check URL Properly. Bookmark URL So You Need To Just Click And Not To Type Everytime.
  • When You Smell Something Wrong With Page. Enter False Details And See What Happens Next. Normally This Phishing Page Do Not Throw Any Error Like Wrong Login And Password. So Entering False Details And No Error Means Webpage Is Fake.
  • Never Type URL When You Dont Know Spelling Properly. Example Flipkart Is Online Shopping Website But Actual Spelling Is Flipcart.

3) Phone Calls

Website And E-Mail Phishing Can Be Stopped If Person Has General Knowledge. But Phone Calls Its Little Difficult. When Person Calls You And Ask You For Personal Details, Verification Of Caller Is Difficult. You Cant Find Out Whether Caller Is Genuine Or Fake.

How To Be Safe

  • Ask Caller To Contact You Via Mail.
  • Do Not Give Any Personal Information What So Even Be The Case.

Chintan Chhadva



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